Agency Staff Testimonials
“My first session of FBT yesterday was extremely appreciated by the clients. Their evaluation was a 7 because they loooooved the structure and feeling that there was a method to what we were doing, with clear content and expectations. (They have had prior experience of unstructured family therapy and gave it up.) The Orientation in itself was ‘change forming.’ The exploration of the content of their scales, and other topics such as what motivates them to achieve goals and possible concerns for treatment, were therapeutic. The validating and affirming aspects of FBT continue to be an anchor for this family. I felt compelled to share my experience because family therapy can be such a ‘messy’ affair and I have felt at a loss, missing direction in the past for lack of structure and goals. FBT was by far the best experience of my week, certainly the highlight of it, and so confirming of our training efforts.”
Elisa Gottheil, Ph.D.,
Clinical Training Development & Coordination
Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Services
County of Santa Barbara
“The team gave my client a lot of excellent tools to help her and her family. They were very accommodating, attentive and worked well with the family. I would recommend this program to any of my clients!”
Elizabeth Floyd
Permanency worker
Department of Child and Family Services
Experts Testimonials
“Drs. Donohue and Azrin have done an outstanding job of putting onto paper the intricacies of their exemplary FBT approach. This is an extremely positive and strength-focused text that provides therapists with a structure and the tools to implement interventions that have a long history of promoting the types of clinical changes desired by family members and community stakeholders.” Scott W. Henggeler, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Director, Family Services Research Center, Medical University of South Carolina “What a wonderful gift to adolescent substance abuse treatment providers and instructors to have this step-by-step guide on how to implement the evidence-based family behavior therapy (FBT). Kudos to Donohue and Azrin for writing a book that includes all the materials needed to implement FBT with adolescents, including prompting checklists, handouts, and worksheets.”
Karol Kumpfer, Ph.D.,
Professor of Health Promotion & Education Director,
International Studies College of Health, University of Utah and
Former Director of SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
“Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy is an important resource for those who wish to provide an empirically-supported, strengths-based, behavioral treatment for adolescents with substance use problems and their parents. The assessment guidelines, checklists for each component, and the CD-ROM with all therapy forms will be invaluable resources for implementing the FBT approach.”
Susan Harrington Godley, Rh.D.,
Senior Research Scientist and EBT Coordinating Center Director and
Mark D. Godley, Ph.D.,
Director, Research & Development, Chestnut Health Systems, Illinois
“In my practice with adolescents, FBT has proven exceptionally effective in drawing families closer together and yielding improved outcomes. This remarkably supportive approach helps youth develop critical skills necessary to live a fulfilling and drug free lifestyle. This book clearly illustrates how to implement the interventions with ease and exemplifies the deeply gratifying experience of FBT.”
Stephen A. Culp, M.Ed., NCC, LPCC,
Addiction Services Therapist, Comprehend, Inc., Kentucky
“Treating Adult Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy is a welcome addition to the evidence-based substance use disorder treatment literature. This volume provides a large amount of helpful information, materials, and step-by-step instructions for implementing and troubleshooting family-based behavioral treatment for substance use problems.”
Mark B. Sobell, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor, and
Linda Sobell, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor and Associate Director of Clinical Training,
Center for Psychological Studies, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale Davie, FL
“I strongly recommend Treating Adult Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy. Donohue and Allen give readers a step-by-step approach using empirical strategies, client/therapist dialogues, checklists, and handouts that make the therapy process clear and concrete. This book is a must-read for all who want to use FBT in their practice.”
Robert J. Meyers, Ph.D.,
Emeritus Associate Research Professor of Psychology,
University of New Mexico
“I am delighted with the book Treating Adult Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy. As a relatively new therapist, I used the FBT protocols in a practice setting and the highly structured interventions provided me a sense of confidence while developing professional competence in working with very challenging populations. Although simple in theory, families are empowered by these absolutely positive techniques.”
Amy S. Bizjak, Staff Development Training Coordinator,
Bethesda Children’s Home, Meadville, PA
Anonymous Reviews
- The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Adolescents
- The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Adults
- Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness